Banbury M&S closing date announced

Store is to closeStore is to close
Store is to close
The Marks and Spencer branch in Banbury's Castle Quay announced its closure last month, now the stores last opening day has been released.

Sources have told the Banbury Guardian the Bridge Street Marks and Spencer food and clothing store will close on Saturday, April 18. Staff have been informed and transfer and redundancy requests now being agreed.

The reaction to the shops closure has been one of universal shock and despair with one Banbury resident setting up a petition to persuade M&S to keep it open. Almost 2,300 people have signed it to date.

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Banbury's elderly community have been particularly upset by the announcement of its closure as it is the only centrally located food store accessible by a large number of pensioners, with alternatives too far to walk for many.

It has been a town centre mainstay since 1982, opening in November of that year.