Help needed to put on Banbury's Hobby Horse Festival

Hobby Horse FestivalHobby Horse Festival
Hobby Horse Festival
People are being sought for roles at the upcoming Hobby Horse Festival in Banbury.

Banbury Folk Festival, which has now taken on the role of organising the event, is looking for volunteers to either bring along a Hobby Horse, becoming a Hobby Horse Jockey for one of the Banbury Horses or by helping with Hobby Horse minding.

It will take place from Friday October 7 to Sunday October 9.

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Banbury Folk Festival Organisers Derek and Mary Droscher have been involved in helping with the Hobby Horse Festival since it started in 2000.

Derek and Mary said: “We didn’t want this event be lost to the Town and it made sense to merge it with the Folk Festival as we already celebrate folk traditions with the music and dance that we put on.

“Last October the Banbury Hobby Horses turned out for our Festival and this year we are anticipating there will be plenty of visiting Animals as well! ”

Traditionally the term Hobby Horse refers to the costumed characters that feature in some seasonal customs, processions and similar observances around the world.

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Various animals will be appearing at random on the streets of Banbury during the Folk Festival weekend, but the main event will be a grand procession on Saturday in Banbury. This will leave The White Horse on North Bar at 2pm. The procession will be led by a strolling jazz band, Steamchicken.

Derek and Mary added: “Steamchicken will certainly bring the Wow Factor to Banbury! They are also our headliners on Friday October 7, in a jazz-themed concert entitled Jazz and all that Folk. We have been lucky in obtaining some funding from Banbury Town Council to sponsor the jazz band and accommodate visiting Hobby Horses.”

The Festival is also looking for Folk Festival event stewards, to take on tasks such as setting up venues and ticket checking.

Contact the Festival by phoning 01295 709881 leaving contact details or by messaging via the Banbury Hobby Horse page on Facebook.

Weekend and day Tickets are now available for the Folk Festival via the website

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