Big, scary and happening - climate change. Expert presents talk at Banburyshire village hall

The Adderbury Meeting House where the climate change talk will be heldThe Adderbury Meeting House where the climate change talk will be held
The Adderbury Meeting House where the climate change talk will be held
It’s big, it’s scary and it’s happening – climate change. Expert Linda Aspey explains what we can do about it in a presentation in Adderbury.

After two years of holding their annual public talk online, local Quakers return to the historic Adderbury Meeting House on Sunday, June 19 at 3pm for a talk by activist, writer, public speaker and trainer Linda Aspey, on the theme Climate Seems to be the Hardest Word.

It is accepted by many that climate change is getting worse, along with ecological destruction, but most people find it really hard to talk about.

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"It's big, it's scary, it's happening and we'd all rather it wasn't. All the while our kids are telling us to do something - but often we don't really know what anyone can do, given the scale of the problems,” said Ms Aspey.

Linda Aspey who will present the talk about climate change in Adderbury next monthLinda Aspey who will present the talk about climate change in Adderbury next month
Linda Aspey who will present the talk about climate change in Adderbury next month

“So despite it being so often in the news we're still not talking about what is already happening or preparing ourselves for the even bigger changes that scientists say are coming. Yet research shows that when we learn how to talk, we actually feel better rather than worse. We begin to realise that we're not alone in feeling this way, that we do care very deeply, and that we can make a difference.”

Linda Aspey works with individuals, teams, groups, and organisations who want to have better conversations and take positive action on climate, environment and social change.

A founder member of the Climate Coaching Alliance, she is a fellow of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy, a speaker and trainer with Extinction Rebellion and runs free Climate Cafes for people to meet and talk about climate change.

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Everyone is assured a warm welcome at this fascinating public talk organised by Banbury and Evesham Quakers. The free event is also a great opportunity to see the meeting house which is only open a few times a year. The talk will be followed by afternoon tea.

Adderbury Quaker Meeting House is one of the oldest in the country, having been built in 1675, and is a very special place, little changed by the passing of time. The Meeting House is situated off Horn Hill Road in West Adderbury (OX17 3EW) – on the path to the parish cemetery.

For further information call 07717 698214 (evenings).