Climate change action made easier for Banbury area

The new website is now live...The new website is now live...
The new website is now live...
A new website offering practical advice for people in Cherwell district and across the county who want to cut their carbon footprint and save energy has gone live today, Monday.

Climate Action Oxfordshire – – sets out measures people can take and rates them according to their effort, impact, and cost.

It also gives an idea of what financial savings they can make and includes tips and links on how to get started.

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The website identifies steps you can take, from small changes such as washing clothes on a cold cycle, creating a wildflower area or using rechargeable batteries, to recycling more, eating less meat, and – for those with a bigger budget – getting solar panels or an electric vehicle.

It is a joint venture set up by Oxfordshire County Council, Oxford City Council, Cherwell, South Oxfordshire, West Oxfordshire, and the Vale of White Horse district councils, and OxLEP – the Oxfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership.

It has sections aimed at individuals, communities, and organisations, including businesses, and advice on transport, lifestyle, shopping, home and biodiversity matters.

Cllr Dan Sames, Cherwell’s portfolio holder for cleaner and greener communities, said: “We could all do with reducing the amount of items we throw away in a bid to reduce our impact on the planet. This new website will help people find homes for unwanted items lingering around the house, in garages or sheds by encouraging and helping them to repair, reuse or donate things like bikes, furniture and electrical items.

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“While these are small changes, they will help us move to a One Planet Living model. There are organisations in Cherwell district that will provide you with the help you need. It’s now just a click away.”

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Cllr Andrew Prosser, cabinet member for climate change at West Oxfordshire District Council, said: “There are so many opportunities for residents to reduce their energy use, particularly around the home which is a major contributor to climate change emissions. Simple steps really can add up, whether that’s draught proofing windows and doors, changing lightbulbs to LEDs and being more diligent about turning off lights, or replacing old appliances to those with a better energy rating when it’s time to renew.

“The new website brings together a whole range of positive actions residents can tap into to make their homes more sustainable, from quick wins that can be easily achieved to those actions which require a bit more input, for those who are able to go that bit further. We would urge everyone to take a look.”

Nigel Tipple, chief executive of OxLEP, said: “The introduction of this platform gives businesses the information and practical, positive steps that can be taken to support a more sustainable future in the workplace.

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“We would therefore encourage our business community to make use of the site and understand how certain adjustments will collectively make big impacts and support the drive towards a cleaner, more sustainable future for us all.”

The site contains filters so that users can tailor it to their own circumstances. It will be regularly updated with new information and advice.

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