Remembering the Battle of the Somme through song

Local actors from Adderbury will be performing Singing for the Somme NNL-160628-161207001Local actors from Adderbury will be performing Singing for the Somme NNL-160628-161207001
Local actors from Adderbury will be performing Singing for the Somme NNL-160628-161207001
The morale-boosting songs of the Battle of the Somme will be remembered in Adderbury at a concert on July 8.

Nearly one million men were wounded or killed in the battle which ran from July 1 to November 18, 1916 and songs were a way of keeping up morale. A chorus of local actors and musicians, led by Royal Academy of Music’s Joseph Cummings will be performing at Adderbury’s Village Institute, from 7.30pm.

Audience participation and fancy dress will be encouraged.

Tickets are £10, including canapes, available from The Bell Inn, by emailing [email protected] or calling 075324 46665. Money raised from the event will go to the Royal British Legion and Katharine House Hospice.